Wait! I can't stop!
You guys are now getting a peek into Mugs tightly, yet so loosely wound brain.
This subject, which began as a leisurely wagon train of thought has evolved into a steam engine with a cowcatcher in the front.
Some call me obsessive, I consider it curiosity.
This subject is really grabbing me by the throat and giving me a shake.
Mustardly, I think we may be kindred spirits, we certainly have a similar take on things.
Part of my train of thought -- combined with the thoughtful blogger
input-- has really got me looking at this breeding deal we humans are so caught
up in.
So hang in there, I may be obsessing dwelling
on this subject for a while. It’s fascinating me.
I’m studying dogs over horses right now, because the
development of the dog has been so fast and so varied it’s easier to look at.
My eyes have also been opened even further
on the subject of how big the human ego is and what flaming idiots we actually
I’m looking at horses too, I’m just not ready to
write on them quite yet.
Paleontologists have pretty much agreed that when
dogs first decided to hook up with humans, they were man-friendly wolves. Or,
at least, they liked the trash we spewed all over the country-side enough to
tolerate our presence.
Whether we talked wolves into not eating us by
feeding them some juicy bits of Bar-B-Q, or they quit eating us because they
couldn’t crack the recipe for our yak rib rub, we’ll probably never know for
sure. The thing is, as soon as we partnered up, the wolves began to change.
From the first tail wag at the sight of a new
steaming pile of human refuse, wolf/dogs started to work for us, play with us,
guard our homes and turn into pleasing shapes, sizes and colors.
When did we, the human race, begin to breed dogs for
a specific purpose?
My guess would be when Urg, the matriarch of the Ug
Clan, realized the wolf/dogs with the white spot on their chest were the least
likely to stalk her children after they dumped the trash. Being a straightforward
and protective kind of gal, Urg began to club all the wolf/dogs without a white
spot. A few wolf/dog generations later, her kids could walk to the dump site
without an armed entourage.
A short time later, her mate, Og, came home with a litter
of pups he had found. He thought the white feet and muzzles were pretty and the
big brown puppy eyes were cuter than the little yellow eyes most of the other
wolf/dogs had.
Urg and Ogs children played with the pups, and as
they grew, some of the pups became cranky and grabby and bit the kids. Urg
immediately solved the problem with her club. The remaining pups were either
smart enough to not bite the kids and stay cute, or so dumb they stayed
juveniles - cute and cuddly on into adulthood.
So began the human practice of culling and the
evolution of the dog/wolf continued.
"Oh. Look at dey Kyuut Bebbis...." Og said.
As humanity expanded and developed, so did their dog/wolf buddies. I don't know about you guys, but y dogs spend most of their spare time trying to figure out how to get in my bed. If they manage that, they start working on getting under the covers. If that works out, they want to curl up as close as possible, better yet if it's between me and my husband.
My personal theory is that this is one of the very first unique dog traits. To never be satisfied until we wear them like skin.
Poor dog/wolf! If he had thought things through, he would have known that for every new deal struck with humanity, a high price is eventually paid. Now that we were hanging 24/7 it opened the door for even more selection on the part of Urg and Og and less say so on the Dog/Wolf's side.
When Og noticed some of the dog/wolves chose to accompany him on hunting trips, he held back two who seemed to find the most game. They produced pups who found game too. Some of them were just as talented as their parents and some were better. Some were no good at all.
While Og was out hunting, Urg noticed some of the dog/wolves who had stayed behind, came with her when she went carb gathering. These dog/wolves protected her from the other animals who still had no problem eating humans. When she came home, she found a few more guarding and playing with the children.
Once the mighty hunter returned, Og and Urg had a conversation. Within moments, Urg's club was swinging and the only dog/wolves left were the protectors, the players and the hunters. The pups were tested and if they weren't an improvement on their parents, well, you know. Urg and Og were now in the breeding business. The resulting Ug's High and Lo Carb Kennels became the It Spot of the steppes.
The Ug's weren't completely successful with their culling. Some of the dog/wolves were too smart or too fast to be felled by Urg's mighty club. These dogs not only continued to hang around the dump site, they periodically bred with the Hi and Lo Carb dogs.
When the quick thinking Urg realized the resulting pups made the Hi and Lo Carbs even better, she began to lure the smartest and fastest in with lots of Bar-B-Q. Once they made friends, she promptly evaluated and culled them too. So began OC training.
Tune in for more of Mugs look at the development of human interference breeding practices next week.......